How to audit revalued Property, Plant and Equipment?

The item “Property, Plant and Equipment” is often material in the company’s statement of financial position. Revaluation relates to assertions about account balances, and related disclosures, at the period end such as accuracy, valuation and allocation . Why do auditors use assertions? When auditing revalued PP&E auditors may perform the following audit procedures: 1. Considering reasonableness of valuation, reviewing: · The competence, capabilities and objectivity of the expert. · Scope of work. · Methods, assumptions and data used. What is the management`s expert and how does the auditor use the management`s expert work? 2. Checking the valuations are regularly updated. 3. Verifying amounts in the financial statements with the valuer’s report. 4. Confirming the entire class of property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs is revalued. 5. Reperforming calculation of revaluation surplus. 6. Checking the accounting for the rise or fall in val...